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A little bit about the project
In 2012, for first time ever, over 80 front-line GP educators (doctors and non-doctors) up and down the country teamed up to produce a book for ALL educators in Primary Care. Although this book has a slant towards GP training it contains educational principles that are applicable universally. Don’t be without it – it’s comprehensive, practical, colourful, lively, up-to-date and easy to read!
About the Editor
The Editor is Dr. Ramesh Mehay. Ramesh ex Training Programme Director for Bradford and is known for the well known and well used GP training website (www.bradfordvts.co.uk) as well as many other resources he has produced on the various components of the MRCGP. He has touched every chapter in this book – working closely with each chapter author group to ensure the chapters come together in terms of consistency and flow.
You can contact me on rameshmehay@googlemail.com

More about the book
‘The Essential Handbook of GP Training and Education’ contains 35 chapters categorised into 10 sections. Each chapter is written in plain English to aid understanding and presented in a lively way in order to keep you engaged. It’s also showered with loads of practical advice so that you can get started straight away.

Delve as deep as you want
Dig into the subject matter as deep as you want! Each book chapter has a corresponding web page full of extra downloadable online resources (more than 300 items in total).

10 extra free web chapters
We give you 10 EXTRA web-only chapters. Including these in the book would make it too bulky and therefore we decided to upload them and offer them freely.

Everything on here is free
Yes! Everything on this website is provided freely. We hope this demonstrates our commitment and passion for GP education and training. Our aim is to make life easier for you.